Three Things which can Transform Your Life

Gursharan Singh

Transformation means creating a new reality in life. Transformation is creating something which does not exist today.

So to start with, ask yourself three key questions:

  • What part of your life you want to transform?
  • Why you want to transform?
  • How can I transform?

Once you specifically answer to the first two questions, by simply focusing on the following three things, you can lead yourself to the transformation , in the desired parts of your life.

Transformation means creating a new reality in life. Transformation is creating something which does not exist today.

So to start with, ask yourself three key questions:

  • What part of your life you want to transform?
  • Why you want to transform?
  • How can I transform?

Once you specifically answer to the first two questions, by simply focusing on the following three things, you can lead yourself to the transformation , in the desired parts of your life.