Our Consulting Services

For Growth Of Your Business

We will provide you complete end to end , integrated Consulting Services , to enable you scale up & enhance your Business Performance .We consider that at the macro level, there 3 major matrices of Business Performance & we call them GPS. It stands for Growth, Profitability & Sustainability.We can provide any or all of the following services, to enable you grow profitably:

Business Diagnostic

Development of Integrated Business Management System (IBMS)

Dynamic Performance Management System

Development of Integrated Improvement Management System

Development of Integrated People Development System

Change Management Initiatives

Structured Recruitment Process

Business Diagnostic

Through a very structured intervention, we can carry out a quick Business diagnostic , to know how exactly the various components of business , are working & performing. This is done using our specially prepared questionnaire, which we have perfected in the last 15 years of working with our hundreds of clients. Through this we check the organizational structure, reporting mechanism, role clarity, performance management system, people development, process effectiveness and working culture etc.

Development of Integrated Business Management System

Based on our working with 100 plus organizations for the last 15 years, in our opinion & experience, establishment of an integrated & simple Business Management System is must for any growing business . Integrated Business Management System is also must for those organizations, who want to further grow their business. Through this system development process , we will interlink every role, process, working systems & related information; for the ongoing performance review & management.

Dynamic Performance Management System

In the present ever changing business environment, all the organizations need a dynamic & effective Performance Management System. We can enable your organization develop / review the Performance management system based on integrated 5Rs (Role, Responsibility, Reports, Review & Rewards) based system. We have created a very simple , integrated and effective system for Performance Management.

Development of Integrated Improvement Management System

Continual Improvement & Innovations are must for effectively running & sustaining for every business organization of 21st century. We can help your organization to improve/establish an integrated organization wide improvement system & culture. We will help you establish & review 4 levels of improvement initiatives, in an integral & effective manner.

Development of Integrated People Development System

During the present era of accelerated change , it is imperative that every person in the organization also must change. Learning & development of the people have become more important than in any time in the human history. Through our uniquely developed 4A approach ( Awareness, Attitude, Action Plan & Accountability) , we can enable your organization to upgrade the Knowledge , Skills & Attitude , across the organization , covering Leadership to Operational Staff.

Change Management Initiatives

In the present times Change does not need any introduction. It is  a part & parcel of everyday business activities. Through our diagnostic studies, system development initiatives, targeted & customized training; we will enable your organization to adopt a proactive approach towards the change. We can also enable you launch special Change Management Initiative, if the present  rate of change, in your organization is slower,  as compared to your industry.

Structured Recruitment Process

Today every organization need high performers in each & every role. Without a robust recruitment & deployment process , organization may land up hiring Liabilities rather Assets. Our structured & Effective hiring services will ensure that you hire the best person for each & every role.