Integrated Power Packed Customized Training Solutions For Growing Business, Leaders, Skills & High performance Culture

What we offer

• Customized training
• Powerful contents
• Experiential Methodology
• Dedicated & passionate Trainers
• Consultant like feedback
•Highly effective follow up

We believe that your organization will like to Grow by:

• Serving your customers in most cost effective manner
•Ensuring that the employees at all levels work cohesively to provide best services to your customers
• Ensuring Learning & Development of employees, so that they are Self Motivated & they perform at enhanced levels

How we can help?

True Success Management Consultants being a customer focused Training & Consulting organization

• We can become your worthy Growth Partner by helping you meet all your training needs under one roof
• We can provide you with highly valuable feedback about the strength & areas of improvement for each of the participant, which can also help in validating the potential & Training Need Identification(TNI)
• We can conduct integrated training programs for continuous learning & development & for greater benefit to employee & We adopt experiential training methodology to ensure better adult learning

Power Packed Training Programs for Individual & Organizational Growth

Name of the Program
Program Focus
Outcome & Integration


3 Magical Steps to
Peak Performance

Participants will understand
how to
brunleash Potential
to achieve high degree
Of Success?

Program will create buy in for Peak Performance in all areas of life


Joy of Winning Together

How to work in a team towards a common

While moving individually towards excellence, concerted effort will be made to involve all team members towards achievement of common objective.


Joy of Enhancing Personal Productivity

How to develop fine art of Time Management

Those who commit themselves to peak performance will now learn how to use the time for optimal output.


Joy of Enhancing Interpersonal

How to develop the Relationship
Management Skills?

Those who commit to peak performance & personal productivity will also manage interpersonal relationship


Joy of Excellence

How to inculcate the
success habit of
performing better than before?

At this stage participants will perform much better than before & will thus move towards excellence

Our other Power Packed Training Programs

Name of the Program


Achieving Breakthrough in Presentation Skills

How to use Potential To achieve high degree Of Success?


Developing Emotional Intelligence for Leadership Skills

Understanding what is Emotional Intelligence & How to develop the same for better performance.


Problem Solving through Creativity

To do better we need better methods & which comes from creative thinking.


Ignite your Passion
To Excel in your Profession

White flame of passion can help in achieving much higher with ease


Managerial Effectiveness for 21st century

Developing awareness about what are the critical skills required in this
Competitive age.


Enhancing Business Communication Skills

How to inculcate small changes in our practical communication for enhancing effectiveness

Training Programs for the New Age

Target Audience
Main Focus


Create your New Version
(How to become ready for tomorrow)

Two Days

All key executives

World is changing at rapid pace. No organization can excel, if its key people are not changing at the speed of change. This program will help participants to understand how they can upgrade their own version.


Overcome what can hold you back
(Overcome blocks on way to better results)

One Day

All key executives

This program will help the participants to know where they should focus & change, for getting the better & sustainable growth


Leadership in action

Two Days

All key executives

In this program participants will understand that why it is imperative that all key executives should exhibit role model behavior , for continuously moving the needle.


Marching ahead with Clarity ,
Commitment &
Collaboration ,for
higher Contribution

Two Days

All key executives

Participants will come to know what specifically need to be done, so as to offer better products & services , for the ever changing global market


Powerful tools for enhancing Personal Productivity

Two Days

All key executives

World is changing , technologies are changing & machines are becoming more productive. It is high time to train your key persons to become more productive


Developing Collaboration & Trust
for building
High Performance Teams

Two Days

All key executives

Mergers, acquisitions, attrition & lateral hiring is the reality of present days. Continuous efforts are required for building trust & ensuring collaboration


The art of ensuring Daily Effectiveness

One Day

All key executives

Since the Secret of success lies in daily routine therefore key executives must know , how to build effective routines


Seven Qualities of High Performers

One Day

All key executives

Key executives must know what are the main qualities of High Performers & how to inculcate the same

Training Programs for First Line Officers/Supervisors/ Operating Staff



Joy of Performance

Understanding the importance Of Performing with joy


Productivity to Prosperity

Understanding how productivity is linked to Progress & Prosperity