Joy of Enhancing Personal ProductivityA unique program for developing Time Management Skills


A day has only 24 hours. There is a constant pressure to get the best out of this time .Every one gets the same time yet some people seem to accomplish large number of activities while others struggle even to perform lesser number of activities. Success largely depends on how we use our time.
Planning & Organizing help us to enhance personal effectiveness. This workshop will equip the participants with ideas & techniques on how to invest time in best possible way so as to enhance personal productivity.

Time = life; therefore, waste your time and waste of your life, or master your time and master your life.

- Alan Lakein


To help the participants :
• Understand present working style
• Importance of Planning
• Importance of Delegation
• How to Delegate tasks and assignments.
• Develop an action plan for better use of time.

Brief Contents

Day One

• Ice-breaking & Climate Setting
• Essence of Time
• My general working style (A questionnaire)
• Understanding Importance of Planning – A Case Study
• Importance of Prioritization- What need to be focused on & how!

Day Two

• My present Time Management Skills (Detailed questionnaires)
• A new perspective: We, Time, Activities & Energy
• Importance of Delegation & My Delegation Skills – A self analysis
• Delegation & my team
• Capturing learning & Action Plan
• Feedback & closing